Untitled: Today

Welcome dear friends. Today, I’m simply sharing a thought and I hope that it strikes you well and strong, and that you look around and notice the little things.

This is something I think about generally to make myself aware to be more unostentatious, I guess, of my existence and place in the world.

Thanks for stopping by!


Today, I saw the world outside myself. Today I felt the motion of the unperceivable resonance: the humming curl on blades of grass in the golden glades, the filtered stripes like rippled waves. The sheltered creatures in their nests, all knowing of their communion with the soil beneath the coiled and woven ochre giants. The rows and rows of buried bugs and little eggs, awaiting the immensity of underground channels. The twisting feathers bygone in the wind and the sonorous skies with their pockets of white, jig sawed light.

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