By the bedside – a drawing challenge

Welcome everyone 🙂

This idea originated from utilising everyday objects and places to better understand tone or tonal values. I thought, quite randomly, “what if I draw whatever appears on my bed?”. I set this as a challenge for myself to complete a drawing a day (or night) for seven days. I welcome you along to follow the challenge, and post the results of your own work and share and talk about this.

Further, I thought of some rules to help tighten the challenge and make it more natural rather than deliberate. I will list these below.

  • Leave it like it was   By this I mean, generally, don’t organise whatever appears on the bed while you have the idea that you will be drawing those things which appear on it. Throughout the day or time spent around the bedroom, act as you normally would and tidy or mess it up 😛
  • Choose a different tool  utilise a new or different form of media – be it dry or wet, and use it to focus in on an element within your drawing practise that isn’t as strong as your dominant tendencies. This way you are enabling to grow in two ways: through the exploration of a rarely used media and the challenge of tackling the less developed areas of your drawing skills.  For example, I have been using conte and khaki paper. Both of these are not highly compatible for the study of tonal differences, but it all adds to the challenge.
  • Keep it free Don’t worry so much if something goes wrong; don’t rub it out, either. The idea is that you’ll begin to see some sort of progression by the time you get into the later drawings. The errors all help you to better evaluate what needs to be addressed. You can feel good about yourself once you see both.


Bedside drawing 1. Conte on Khaki paper
Bedside drawing 1. Conte on Khaki paper
Bedside drawing 2. Conte on Khaki paper
Bedside drawing 2. Conte on Khaki paper

I will update this as I do more. I welcome you to test out the challenge with me! I’d love to see your results.

Thanks 🙂


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